I started the Curly Girl method in November and I am quite happy so far with the results, although my wallet is feeling pretty light lately with all the products I keep buying to try. Why are we always looking for the next best thing?
I just got my hair cut last week. It needed a trim desparately and my layers were uneven from a previous bad hair cut. (Thats what I get for being cheap and going to a cheap salon.) So $35 later, I have a great hair cut and a new stylist! Yipee!
I think I fell in a rut. I just haven't had the motivation to make any jewelry lately. So, I'm putting away all my gems and sterling silver and just going to take a hiatus from creating jewelry.
But don't fret, I will still make a custom piece if you need one :)
Right now, everything in my etsy shop is on clearance, so get your favorites before their gone!